Polishing and Staining Existing Concrete in Your Garage


Polished or stained concrete garage floors: What’s the difference?

When you imagine concrete, what’s the first color that comes to mind? If you went with a dull gray, we don’t blame you. You see, concrete has an image problem in the world of home improvement. While our Twin Cities team treats concrete flooring like a canvas that adds identity to a garage floor, many people associate the material with cold and bleak functionality. Certain architectural movements, such as Brutalism, certainly don’t help concrete’s reputation.

What if we told you that concrete doesn’t have to be such a lifeless surface that leaves so much to be desired? Polished or stained concrete flooring can both create a stunning look that has to be seen in person. These finishes can even trick your mind into thinking the surface isn’t concrete at all! If you’re looking for ways to improve the look of your Minneapolis or St. Paul garage, the answer may be right below your feet.


So how do you choose between these two alluring finishes? Consider the advantages and drawbacks to each before you give your flooring the exclamation point it deserves:

Stained Concrete Garage Floors:


Think of stained concrete as a work of art – the touches of color and fascinating patterns will turn you into a concrete believer!

  • Acid staining etches the color right into the concrete. This simplifies the installation process and saves you cash.
  • It’s easy to match stained concrete with a home’s décor. Unless you have a problem with attractive floors, we think you’ll love the look.
  • Stained concrete is great for both indoor and outdoor applications, such as a garage floor, because water evaporates quickly from the surface. Why not both?
  • Stains are able to replicate the look of wood, marble, granite and other more expensive materials. Live luxuriously without going broke.
  • Slightly less durable than polished floors, but still lasts for years.

Polished Concrete Garage Floors


Polished concrete is the perfect option for anyone who’s tired of flooring that degrades over time and is a headache to maintain – so basically anyone.

  • Not just a surface-level fix – we use diamond grinders to open up every pore of the concrete before applying the finish.
  • A polished, non-porous surface is completely resistant to water. This characteristic makes polishing a great option for those with severe mold allergies.
  • Smooth surfaces are much easier to clean, as there are no hidden cracks or crevices to harbor dust and debris.
  • Polish can increase the strength and durability of your floor, making polished concrete also great for a garage floor.
  • Adds personality to any floor with countless color options. Polished concrete proves that garage floors don’t have to be completely drab.
  • Can be slightly more expensive than staining, but the extra durability is worth it.

Ordinary concrete is often viewed as “just another material” – bleak, gray and uninspiring. This misconception shouldn’t stop you from looking into attractive flooring options. Whether you choose to go with stained or polished concrete, you’re transforming your Twin Cities living environment into something entirely new. If you don’t spend much time on your concrete now, just wait until you see your new finish – you may never want to leave!

To get more ideas on what our polished and stained floors look like, contact us today or visit our photo gallery!